Mystery view solved

Mystery view solved

Above: Chris’s eagle eyes had spotted the arch of a bridge at top right. This postcard view dating back to the early 1900s popped up on ebay the others day, captioned ‘Goyt Valley’. But I struggled to make out where it was taken. I thought it might...
Packhorse bridge closed

Packhorse bridge closed

Above: A small plaque beside the bridge explains that it was rebuilt here in 1965 during the construction of the reservoir. The packhorse bridge has now been closed for a few weeks waiting for the land-owners, United Utilities, to repair the stonework at the foot of...
Powder Mill Bridge

Powder Mill Bridge

Above: The lane from Goyt’s Bridge snakes around from the left before crossing the bridge and heading up the Valentine to Fernilee. (Shawstile Farm is top right.) It was only recently that I discovered an aerial photo showing a small stone bridge that now lies...
The ‘loveliest drive’

The ‘loveliest drive’

Above: Taken in 1934, this aerial photo shows the lane coming north from Goyt’s Bridge at far left, winding down to a small bridge spanning the Goyt (circled), before heading up the Valentine to Fernilee. Someone writing before the construction of the twin...
Young lady drivers

Young lady drivers

Above: Gerald thought these two ladies were maids from Errwood Hall.  This photo of two young ladies posing in a car outside Errwood Hall has always intrigued me. Were they a couple of servants from the hall? Or perhaps friends of the Grimshawe...
Gail’s Goyt’s Bridge cards

Gail’s Goyt’s Bridge cards

Above: Spot the difference! Above: Zooming into the older photo reveals someone seated outside Goytshead Farm (click to enlarge). And it’s just possible to make out the word ‘Teas’ on the sign behind him. Both Goyts Bridge farmhouses sold teas to the...
Laughing water

Laughing water

Above: The attractive suspension bridge was built at the same time as the reservoir, to enable locals to walk from one side to the other. Above: Sharon posted this photo of her Great Aunt May posing on the bridge on the Goyt Valley Facebook page. Gail recently sent me...
The arch mystery

The arch mystery

Above: Gary’s 1984 photo on the left clearly shows two arches, but the 1958 photo seems to show only the one. One of the things that mystified me about Gary’s 1984 photos of Errwood Bridge emerging from the waters was that they showed there were two arches. And...
Locating the bridge

Locating the bridge

Above: The main bridge in Goyt’s Bridge emerges from the water during the drought of 1984. The viewpoint shows where Gary was standing to take the photo. See the main text for a key to the numbered arrows  Above: This photo of the bridge was sent in by...
Goyt’s Bridge emerges

Goyt’s Bridge emerges

Above: Two wonderful photos showing Errwood Bridge, the larger of the two bridges at this important crossing point over the River Goyt, which once separated Cheshire from Derbyshire. Above: Gary is a passionate steam railway enthusiast and loco-driver at...