Above: Taken in 1988, this photo shows Trevor’s son peering into a hole in the central courtyard at Errwood Hall. I wonder whether it might be the entrance to the cellars. This is the same scene today (click to enlarge). I’ve often heard people talk about the...
Above: These three photos recently popped up on ebay, captioned ‘Goyt Valley 1950s’. Ebay is a great source for old postcards of the Goyt Valley. They pop up fairly regularly. But I’ve seen most of them before. These three were different as...
Above: From left to right; The Hollows, Upper Lodge and Lower Lodge. I’ve finally managed to complete a job I’ve been meaning to do for a while – to add the details of three houses at the northern end of the valley to the ‘Houses &...
Above: This view across the reservoir has only opened up since the felling of the fir trees. I’ve circled the junction of the twin tracks, with the ancient holloway running up the slope on the right. The recent felling of the fir trees on the western slopes...
Above: A look at old maps reveal that these sturdy gateposts once formed an entrance onto the track of the C&HPR. Continuing the quest to identify old stone gateposts in the valley, I came across two fine examples yesterday evening, just as the sun was setting....
Above: Spot the difference! Above: Zooming into the older photo reveals someone seated outside Goytshead Farm (click to enlarge). And it’s just possible to make out the word ‘Teas’ on the sign behind him. Both Goyts Bridge farmhouses sold teas to the...
Above: The attractive suspension bridge was built at the same time as the reservoir, to enable locals to walk from one side to the other. Above: Sharon posted this photo of her Great Aunt May posing on the bridge on the Goyt Valley Facebook page. Gail recently sent me...
Above: I wonder whether these gatesposts once marked the boundary between the Grimshawe’s estate and the Chillworth Gunpowder Mill. It seems I’m not the only saddo to be fascinated by old stone gateposts! There are quite a few of us out there, as I...
Above: The picturesque packhorse bridge once lay in the centre of Goyt’s Bridge. It proved a magnet for artists and photographers, as well as the many tourists who came to enjoy the tranquil beauty of the valley. I just came across some wonderful photos of...
Above: Work started on Fernilee Reservoir in 1932 and was completed in 1937. I’d guess this photo showing The Hollows still standing in the midst of the construction site would have been taken around 1934. Above: I’ve circled The Hollows, and shown where I...