The lost bridge

The lost bridge

Above: The article included a photo of Errwood Bridge I hadn’t seen before. The caption read; “Footpaths on both sides of the stream down to Fernilee Reservoir, a quarter of a mile of Shooter’s Clough, and Goyt’s Bridge will disappear when the...
Packhorse routes

Packhorse routes

Above: A Victorian illustration of a 16th century packhorse train making its way across the Pennines. The bells hanging above the horses’ panniers could be heard from some distance. Above: This 17th century map shows Goyt’s Bridge as Goythowses (click to...
Walk 13 added

Walk 13 added

Above: Click the map to enlarge. It’s only taken me four years – but I’ve finally managed to publish walk 13 in the series (click to view). I recorded the walk back in February 2012. I’m not sure why it’s taken so long, but I’m...
The John Turner Stone

The John Turner Stone

Above: Photo by Simon Butler. Above: The reverse of the stone (click to enlarge). Just who was the lady who left a frozen footprint in the snow beside the dead body? (Photo Dr. Tony Shaw.) Above: A wonderful woodcut illustration of Saltersford Hall Farm by Howard...
History of the twin reservoirs

History of the twin reservoirs

Above: Members of Stockport Corporation attend the opening ceremony of Fernilee Reservoir in 1937. Above: Click the image to view a cine film taken of the Inauguration ceremony at the start of construction in 1932. The construction of the twin reservoirs of Fernilee...
Goytsclough Paint Mill

Goytsclough Paint Mill

Above: Judging by the children’s clothes, I’d guess this photo must date back to the early 1900s, perhaps even earlier. The stream runs down Deep Clough and would have powered the mill. Additional water was provided by a man-made channel...
Goytsclough Quarry

Goytsclough Quarry

Above: Taken from the hillside above the quarry, looking towards Derbyshire Bridge, this early 1900s photo shows local families loading stone onto horse-drawn wagons. The buildings in the distance belong to Goytsclough Paint Mill. Above: Walk 5 from Errwood...
Ghostly goings-on at the Hall

Ghostly goings-on at the Hall

Above: The grave of Irma Niorthe is at the back, on the left. Click here for more information on this small, hilltop graveyard. I’ve heard a few tales about ghostly goings-on amongst the ruins of Errwood Hall. Of strange noises in the wind...
Jenkin Chapel

Jenkin Chapel

Above: Jenkin Chapel stands at the meeting point of three ancient trackways. The road to the left in this photo is known as ‘The Street’ and is marked on maps as a Roman road. It leads past Pym Chair to the main car park beside the twin reservoirs. Click...
BBC Countryfile features the Goyt Valley

BBC Countryfile features the Goyt Valley

Click the image above to view the Countryside programme on BBC iPlayer. I think it will be available up to the end of February 2016. This website typically averages around 40 visits a day during Winter – maybe rising to 60 on weekends. So it was a bit of a shock...