Finding Goytsclough cottages

Finding Goytsclough cottages

Above: The cottages at Goytsclough would probably have housed the mill manager’s family. I’ve just created a ‘then & now’ fade featuring one of my favourite views of the Goyt Valley (see below). The photo must have been taken around the end...
A couple of mysteries

A couple of mysteries

Above: The stone-edged circle on the right was fairly easy to spot from the Google Earth satellite image. But the one on the left has virtually vanished from the landscape. The OS co-ordinates are 005752. Any ideas on what they might once have been would be much...
Goyt walks from satellite

Goyt walks from satellite

I chose the 8-mile circular walk from Buxton to Errwood Reservoir to create this Google Earth test as it’s one of the most popular – and longest – on the site. Please let me know if you enjoy it, or have any suggestions for making improvements....
Samuel’s pseudo bishop

Samuel’s pseudo bishop

Above: The Grimshawe’s Catholic chapel was housed in the top floor turret at Errwood Hall. A light kept burning throughout the night was said to be visible throughout the valley. Above: Click to enlarge the press clipping. My thanks to Mike for sending this...
The long white road

The long white road

Above: Old Goyt’s Lane now vanishes beneath the waters of Errwood Reservoir. But in Vera and Rolands’ day this attractive walk would have ended in the picturesque hamlet of Goyt’s Bridge. It’s poignant to imagine the two lovers looking across...
Long Hill mystery

Long Hill mystery

Above; Don asks whether anyone knows what might once have been here, at the junction of the Long Hill road and Goyt’s Lane. I’ve recently moved back to Buxton, which is the reason for the recent flurry of posts as I try to catch up with all the projects...
Happy memories

Happy memories

Above: Elaine asks about this wonderful photo of the Gunpowder Mill band which must have been taken in the early 1900s – or perhaps even the 1890s. Elaine writes to say; I have recently revisited Goyt Valley for the first time in over 30 years and will not leave...
Wrong again!

Wrong again!

Above: The small suspension bridge at the southern end of Fernilee Reservoir was dismantled following the construction of Errwood Reservoir in the mid ’60s.  Inset: The brick pillar that recently emerged during the drought of 2018. Another of my theories...
Hidden features revealed

Hidden features revealed

Above: I’ve never seen the water level this low at Fernilee. As well as sections of stone walling, it’s just possible to make out a brick pillar on the far shoreline (inset). I think this could be one of the supports for the suspension bridge. The...
Fernilee from the air (1934)

Fernilee from the air (1934)

Above: The site was ideally suited to create the twin reservoirs, providing much-needed drinking water to Stockport and its surrounding towns and villages. My thanks to Alex for pointing me towards a series of aerial photos showing the construction of Fernilee...