GV Facebook Group

GV Facebook Group

Join the Facebook conversation on everything to do with the Goyt Valley by clicking this link. I have a guilty admission; I’m rubbish at social media. I’ve had a Facebook page for years, but like many others of my generation (just past retirement age), I...
Withinleach Farm

Withinleach Farm

Above: The ruins of Withinleach Farm lie close to St Joseph’s Shrine (inset), beside the path leading from Errwood Hall. The ruins of Withinleach Farm lie just a short distance from St. Joseph’s Shrine, the small circular building dedicated to the Spanish...
Goyt Valley turnpikes

Goyt Valley turnpikes

Above: This photo, probably from the early 1900s, captures a lot of fascinating detail, including a horse-drawn cart coming towards the Cat & Fiddle which is just a short distance to the left, and a horse-drawn carriage heading towards Buxton....
Foxlow Edge burial site?

Foxlow Edge burial site?

Above: Could this be an ancient waymarker stone that once guided travellers and traders across these windswept moors? Or did it perhaps mark a territorial boundary, or even the site of an ancient grave? It was comments from both James and Chris that prompted me to...
Deciphering the stone clues

Deciphering the stone clues

Above: One of the twin circles on the hillside below Foxlow Edge. Could they be the remains of a Stone Age settlement? Perhaps this east-facing gap in the wall may offer a clue. The ‘Beast from the East’ is supposed to be returning with a...
Goyt’s Moss mines

Goyt’s Moss mines

Above: The best place to see evidence of coal mining around Goyt’s Moss is from a lay-by beside the A54, heading west from Buxton, just before the junction to Congleton. There’s a sign beside a stile warning walkers to take care, but the...
Coal mining in the Goyt

Coal mining in the Goyt

Above: I’ve often wondered about these dark deposits on the exposed hillside beside the road from the Cat & Fiddle to Derbyshire Bridge. It certainly looks like coal, but if it is, why hasn’t anyone carted it away to warm their homes in this exposed...
Goytsclough postcard #2

Goytsclough postcard #2

Above: The photo was taken from the slopes surrounding Goytsclough Quarry, looking south along the road to Derbyshire Bridge.The River Goyt runs along the valley to the left. A mill lade flowing from the river along the hillside supplied water to the giant waterwheel....
Goytsclough postcard #1

Goytsclough postcard #1

Above: The circled area of the postcard includes the ruins of the paint mill, as well as Goytsclough Farm high on the hillside, and the paint mill cottages. Zooming into the ruins of the mill seems to show an area of stone walling which I think may have housed...
Ghostly Errwood bride

Ghostly Errwood bride

Above: I think these two ladies may have been servants at Errwood Hall, occupying a similar role to Irma. They both seem to be dressed in in funerial black. I wonder what the story is behind the photo. I would guess it would haver been taken around 1910 – some...