New Buxton to Goyt walk

New Buxton to Goyt walk

Above: Click to enlarge a map of the route. And click here to view step-by-step instructions and photos. With the nights drawing in and winter fast approaching, I thought I’d take advantage of a recent break in the weather to capture the glorious...
Issue Tor Quarry

Issue Tor Quarry

Above: The quarry is quite a magical place, with trees and large boulders covered in thick litchen. Above: The quarry in 1933 (click to enlarge). There are more photos on the Whaley Bridge local history website. A few people on the Goyt Valley Facebook Group have...
The Hollows update

The Hollows update

Above: Work started on Fernilee Reservoir in 1932 and was completed in 1937. I’d guess this photo showing The Hollows still standing in the midst of the construction site would have been taken around 1934. Above: I’ve circled The Hollows, and shown where I...
Tracing ‘The Hollows’

Tracing ‘The Hollows’

Above: The sign on the gate advertising teas shows that it can’t have been too far off the beaten track. So where was it? Above: An attractive view of the building (click to enlarge), with the Goyt flowing in the foreground. Chris Simpson recently got in touch...
Goyt’s Bridge 1967

Goyt’s Bridge 1967

Above: Mike found the photo in an out-of-print book, which is why the quality isn’t great. This is the full view (click to enlarge). My thanks to Mike for unearthing this rare view of Goyt’s Bridge, dated 1967. Errwood Reservoir was officially opened in...
The arch mystery

The arch mystery

Above: Gary’s 1984 photo on the left clearly shows two arches, but the 1958 photo seems to show only the one. One of the things that mystified me about Gary’s 1984 photos of Errwood Bridge emerging from the waters was that they showed there were two arches. And...
Locating the bridge

Locating the bridge

Above: The main bridge in Goyt’s Bridge emerges from the water during the drought of 1984. The viewpoint shows where Gary was standing to take the photo. See the main text for a key to the numbered arrows  Above: This photo of the bridge was sent in by...
Goyt’s Bridge emerges

Goyt’s Bridge emerges

Above: Two wonderful photos showing Errwood Bridge, the larger of the two bridges at this important crossing point over the River Goyt, which once separated Cheshire from Derbyshire. Above: Gary is a passionate steam railway enthusiast and loco-driver at...
Birds of the Valley

Birds of the Valley

Above: An osprey was recently sighted fishing over Errwood Reservoir. I’m ashamed to admit it, but I know very little about the flora and fauna of the valley. Apart from the obvious ones, I don’t know the names of many trees, plants and flowers.Or what...
Mystery building

Mystery building

Above: One of the very few buildings in the valley that Bill doesn’t recognise. The Long Hill road is easily identified by the line of telegraph poles in the distance. The dark stripe running horizontally below is the disused track of the C&HPR. And...